That Sense of Wonder

–Originally published on FWB21 March 24, 2011– Ever see a really great magic trick and be totally floored by it? It’s the coolest thing you’ve ever seen–you cannot possibly wrap your mind around how it could be done. Let me see that again. Has anyone ever removed that veil of mystery and shown you how to do that cool magic trick? It takes away the wonder. When you see it performed again, you think, psh, I know how he did that. Big deal. This morning, I was thinking that maybe I am guilty at times of doing that with God. I’ve read scientific facts about our solar system and the stars within our galaxy, and I’ve thought, yeah, He spoke […]

Mary, Joy, and Suffering

–Originally published on FWB21 December 31, 2011– Christmas is over, family members have gone, and I finally have a moment to flesh out something that has been constantly on my mind this Christmas season: joy and suffering go hand in hand. Specifically, my thoughts have been on Mary throughout this Christmas season. As a mother, I connect with her more than any other player on the scene of God’s great incarnation. As we celebrate Christ and the reason He came to earth, I remember a phrase from the familiar story of His birth: But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart. (Luke 2:19) As a child, I imagined that this was a kind of daydreamy meditation […]

The Power of the Word

–Originally posted on FWB21 July 14, 2011– I’m currently at Cumberland Camp in the hills of Tennessee, enjoying a week-long retreat from the world with my home church. Mick is speaking every night this week, working through passages dealing with the topics of total depravity, justification, sanctification, and glorification (one for each night). As his wife, I get a lot of feedback on what a great job he did, how clearly he shared God’s Word, and what individuals got out of the messages. And I’m amazed. I’m amazed at how one sermon from one passage shared to a diverse group of small children, teens, and mature adults can speak so directly to all of them. God’s Word is relevant for […]

One Like Bin Laden…

–Originally posted on FWB21 May 12, 2011– Upon the news of Osama Bin Laden’s recent death, I heard strong reactions from Christians that hit both ends of the spectrum. Some celebrated his death with great victory, relishing that justice had been met; others mourned the loss of a soul made in the image of God, despite his actions on earth. Still others tried to work through–out loud–what a Christian’s reaction should be in the face of such news. I can honestly say I had no immediate reaction. I absorbed the information the same way as if you had told me that my book is lying on the table. I’m still trying to process it all, and I have no answers […]

On the Eve of My 30th Birthday

–Originally published on FWB21 December 27, 2012– Tomorrow is my 30th birthday. I figured since FWB21 is a blog for 20-somethings, I should make it known that as of tomorrow I will no longer fit this category. However, by the grace of God, I plan to continue to blog here for as long as they’ll let me. Until I’m too old and irrelevant. Or until Jesus comes. (I’m really hoping the latter comes first.) I’ve never been one to lament the aging process. Rather, I embrace it. Because I have long found my identity in Christ, I have learned “in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” Whether single or married, without children or with them, very young or […]

Mayan Predictions and the Christian Reaction

–Originally published on FWB21 December 20, 2012– “If I knew that tomorrow was the end of the world, I would still plant an apple tree today.” –Unknown Tomorrow, 12/21/2012, is supposed to mark the end of the world. Assuming the Mayans were wrong and nothing happens, this will be my fifth time to survive the end of the world (that I know of). But, assume the world does end tomorrow: Christ returns in His glory and brings an end to time. What then? Does that change what we’re doing today? For Christ-followers, the answer should be NO. We should already be living in light of Christ’s imminent return (as his disciples have for generations), finding a balance between planning for […]

A Storm’s a Comin’

–Originally published on FWB21 November 12, 2012– I’ve sensed it for a while, but now I’m certain of it: there’s a storm brewing somewhere in my future. It’s as though I can feel the warm winds picking up and see the dark clouds way off in the distance. I do think the saying holds true in life: you’re either in the middle of a storm, just coming out of one, or about to enter one. I feel like we’ve been moving from storm to storm for the past three years, and I can sense there’s another one coming. This weekend I had the privilege of attending the East Coast Ladies’ Retreat in Goldsboro, NC. The theme for this year was […]